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aylesham on foot

    Walking is                        Spinney Woods walk

    great for

    Mind, Body

    and Spirit

    You don’t have
    to go far, but just

    taking a brisk ten
    minute walk a

    day can help you                    AYLESHAM
    greatly.                            ON FOOT ROUTE 2

                                        n Start at Bechange on Ackholt Road
    Some of the benefits
                                        n Down Queens Road, past the Health
    of walking are: it helps
                                        Centre and around Market Place, left at
    you burn calories,                  Boulevard Courriers.
    strengthen the heart,               n Find your way into the woods and you
    eases joint pain,                   will find paths around and through the
    improve your mood                   site.
    and boost your energy.              n In spring, look out for primroses as the
                                        woods start to come alive
    Getting healthy, starts
    with the first step. Even           Managed by White Cliffs
    if its walking around the           Countryside Partnership on
                                        behalf of Aylesham Parish Council
    house!                     Carina

    Aylesham Walkie Talkies                                  Please find us on
                                                             Facebook or call
    Meet every Wednesday at 4pm in the Market Square.        07766 406 020 for
    We walk for about 1 hour, nothing strenuous. Everyone welcome.  more info

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