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“Here are

                                             some quick


                                             l BENCHMARK the cheapest price
                                             elsewhere. It’s not accidental that I put
                                             switch savings first here – as you need that
                                             as a starting point to haggle with.

                                             l CALL UP – and be polite and charming.
      MARTIN LEWIS – new regular             Aggression isn’t nice or productive. Use
                                             chutzpah, cheek and a smile. You’re asking
      column in Aylesham In Touch            for a discount, and your provider’s as much
                                             within its rights not to give one as you are
      (factoring in incentives) for unlimited minutes,
      texts and 5GB data; or £7/mth for 12GB data. Use a   to leave.
      comparison site including my www.moneysavingexpert.  Explain that you’ve seen it cheaper
      com/cheap-mobile-finder/ to find one for you.  elsewhere, or it doesn’t fit your budget or
        l SLASH DIGITAL TV COSTS – can you save   you think it’s too expensive, but you’d prefer
      £100s a year? It can be harder here if you’ve bespoke   to stay.
      channel packages you want to keep (so haggling, which
      I cover below, can often beat switching).   l  IF THAT DOESN’T WORK, ask to be put
        But it’s worth checking a comparison site for   through to disconnections. Internally that’s
      new customer deals – though always work out what   called ‘customer retentions’ and it has the
      channels you really watch first and be willing to ditch   real power to keep you with more room to
      the rest.                              manoeuvre.
        If you’ve different providers for your broadband, line
      and TV, check if you can save by combining them –   l DON’T PANIC if it calls your bluff. If it
      play each provider off against the other.  says it’ll disconnect you my easy ‘get out of
                                             jail free’ card is the phrase: “Hold on, I’ll call
      Option 2: STICK & save...              you back on that. I’d like to check with my
                                             wife / husband / dog / goldfish first.”
        If you’re out of contract and free to move, but like
      the firm you’re with, then try to make them want you
      as much as they want switchers. To do that you need to   AND IF IT REALLY WON’T PLAY BALL,
      haggle – a bit of fiscal flirting, if you like. In my last poll   vote with your feet, and consider leaving.
      on this, of those who tried to haggle, there were success   Sometimes providers can give in at this
      rates of 70%+ for BT, EE, O2, Plusnet, Sky, TalkTalk,   stage and offer a stonking discount in last-
      Three and Virgin (and a still decent 50% for Vodafone).  ditch effort to keep you.
        It’s always more art than science, but Andrea’s
      email shows how well it can work: “At the end of my
      BT contract, I called and used Martin’s haggling tips,
      preparing myself with a list of comparable deals. After
      a lengthy call I shaved a cool £318 off my package.   Martin Lewis is the Founder and Chair of
      Just proves that by doing some prep, being patient and To join the 7.5
      politely persistent, that it pays off.   million people who get his free Money Tips
                                             weekly email, go to
        Thanks, Martin.            
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