Page 31 - AIT.cdr
P. 31

Thinking about extending...

       A regular column by Keith Mansell of Manse Designs

       Class A - Enlargement – Rear Extensions

       CLASS A rights deal
       with both side and rear
       extensions, but for                                         For a two storey
       this article I will just                                  rear extension
       be dealing with your                                      you can only go
       Permitted Development                                     up to a maximum
       rights for a rear                                         of 3 metres from
       extension.                                                the rear elevation.
                                                                 The extension
         For a single storey you can                             must also be over
       go out up to 4 metres from                                7 metres from the
       the rear wall of a detached                               rear boundary but
       house and up to 3 metres                                  remember that
       for a terrace/semi-detached   a flat roof eaves will be higher   the maximum
       property. however, the total   than a pitched roof eaves.  eaves is 3m within 2 metres of
       area of the extension must not                    any boundary. This has been
       cover more than 50 per cent   The other condition which   done to prevent two-storey
       of your garden.          could impact if your extension   extensions close to your
                                requires planning permission
         The width of the extension                      neighbour’s boundary.
       can go the full length if you   is if you already have an   For the next article I will
                                extension on your home. If so
       like. With regards to the   then that must also comply   discuss your PD rights for
       height of a single storey   with Permitted Development   side extensions under Class
       extension, it is a maximum   rights, even if it has already   A. If you have any questions
       height is 4 metres and must   had planning permission   then please feel free to get in
       not be higher than the ridge-  before.            touch.
       line of the main house.
         If the extension is within
       2 metres of a boundary then
       the eaves height can only
       be a maximum of 3 metres
       measured from ground level.
         The eaves must also be
       no higher than the eaves on
       the original house. This is an
       important requirement to
       note because this is the reason
       why a flat roof extension on
       a bungalow would not fall
       within PD rights. As described
       within the Technical Guidance

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