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                and Aylesham
    1953 was set to
    throw its biggest party
    ever. Queen Elizabeth
    2nd was to be crowned
    on June the 2nd 1953.
    Aylesham was mobilised
    into action; every street
    had an organising
    committee and were
    left to make t heir own
      On the big day every street would
    be decorated with bunting and                 The Coronation Queen and Maids
    patriotic flags; there was a competition
    for the best decorated house and the   Greyhound hotel. Those lucky enough  Chairman of the south eastern division
    best decorated street.     to have television could watch the   of the N.C.B. After.the crowning
      Aylesham had raised £2,000 and   coronation on TV. A television would   ceremony, the Queen and her maids of
    that was used for the Coronation   set you back £80 in those days, eight   honour, Miss June Roberts of Milner
    festivities and every street would have   times the average weekly wage.   Crescent, and Miss Pauline Vosper,
    a street party.             Aylesham Senior School had chosen   of Aylesham Road: Snowdown made
                                                         a triumphant journey through the
      Bill Reddish in Burgess Road had   our coronation Queen and maids of   village.
    all us kids involved in decorating   honour for the coronation gala and
    the street, going up to Spinney Lane   sports day put on by the Aylesham   There was a huge carnival
    woods and coming back with arms   Parish Council and held on the welfare  procession consisting of fifty floats. Mr.
    loaded with yellow bracken to decorate   ground on the 12th June.   C.E. White, the Manager of Snowdown
    all the lamp posts in Burgess; it was   The afternoon started off with the   Colliery and Mrs White presented the
    good fun.                  crowning of Aylesham’s Coronation   carnival prizes; there was a display by
                                                         the Aylesham Rego marching maids
      When the big day arrived it poured   Year Queen, Miss Sheila Owen of   who received a huge ovation. For those
    down. Emergency plans were put into   Burgess Road, by Mrs Woodhouse,   that wanted to remain after the sports
    operation. Street parties were held in   wife of Admiral Woodhouse,   there was a fair.
    church halls and the Legion Club and
                                  See page 35 “Aylesham’s £2,000 celebrations”
      This is an excerpt
            from Keith
          Owen’s classic                  SUPPORT
           local history                  Aylesham Heritage
        book: Aylesham                    in Dover Lotto.
      Through the Years
             1927-1987                    Scan the QR code:

        Aylesham Heritage Centre

          meets every Wednesday at Aylesham House,

                Dorman Avenue South - 11am - 2pm
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