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       OVER £2,000 had been                   the old age pensioners were given £1 each, and the
       raised for the coronation              newest baby also received a gift. ,.
                                               Another section of Cornwallis Avenue held their
       celebrations, which included           party at the W.M. Club. Each child up to eleven years
       plans for street teas and              received a cup, saucer, plate and spoon, boys over
                                              eleven years coronation wallet, and the girls a snapshot
       sports. The rain, however, was         album. All had toffees.
       a spoilsport, but somehow               The third part of Cornwallis held their party at Old
       everyone managed to get                Park Farm barn. Tea was followed by a fancy dress
                                              parade. Winners: 1st D. Harris; 2nd P. Hellier; 3rd S.
       cover for tea.                         Dawson; 4th A. Donn. Singing, sports and a puppet
         The streets were lavishly decorated, Sheldon Close   show followed. Each child received a 5/- piece
       taking the first prize; 2nd was Burgess Road, “well done   Kings Road had the use of the Glynn Vivian Mission
       Bill Reddish”. The under 5s were given a coronation   for tea, with two coronation cakes. Dr and Mrs Pole
       mug, and others up to age 16 a 5/- piece. In the evening   were guests. Each child received a coronation cup
       residents of Spinney Lane went by bus through the   and saucer and a present according to age. Old age
       villages of East Kent to Ramsgate to see the decoration   pensioners received 10/-. The best decorated house
       and the firework display.              winners were: 1st Mrs Roycroft, 54, Kings Road; 2nd
         Hyde Place used the school canteen for the children’s   Mrs Carman, 24, Kings Road. Mrs Pole who cut both
       tea, with a buffet in the street for the adults. Each   cakes was presented with a bouquet.
       child_ received 5/-, a coronation cup and saucer and   Burgess Road filled the Mission hall as Kings Road
       chocolates, the old age pensioners were given 10/- each.   left, and at tea an elaborate Coronation cake was cut; it
         Clarendon Road staged their party in the Welfare   was made and decorated by Mr W. Reddish. Children
       pavilion. Each child received a coronation 5/- piece and   were given coronation cups, saucers, and plates, and
       the old age pensioners 10/-. Later the children were   sweets. Old age pensioners received 10/-, and every
       taken to London to see the decorations.   married women a surprise gift. During the evening the
                                              Crazy Gang gave a concert.
         Milner Crescent had two parties, one at the
       Greyhound, where tea was served. All children received   Every street had a coronation cake. The day
       a coronation cup, and saucer and plate and tumbler   commenced with a film show given by Mr Chipper. The
       filled with sweets. Old age pensioners were given bottles   W.M. Club gave 500 tins of coronation sweets and the
       of spirits, and the oldest lady received a cardigan and   Social Club gave 500 children coronation mugs filled
       the youngest baby a silver spoon.      with toffees.
         The prefab estate held their tea in the Jubilee Hall,   Queens Road held their tea at the Greyhound, and
       with a coronation cake in the form of a prefab house.   their Queen was Miss Sylvia Thornton, crowned by
       Each child received a coronation cup, and saucer and   Miss Maxam. Each child received a 5/- piece and old
       plate. Dancing and singing took place in the street. The   age pensioners 10/- each. The competition was won by
       old age pensioners were given souvenirs   Mrs Knight, and Mr Hetherington.
         Attlee Avenue occupied half of St Peter’s church hall,   Bell Grove and Ackholt Road held their tea_at the
       and served a meat tea, and the children were given   Catholic hall, with the cutting of the cake by Mrs C V
       brooches and tumblers of sweets and on Sunday were   Garner. Each child received a cup, saucer, and plate, 5/-
       taken to Dymchurch for an outing. The old ladies were   piece, tumbler of sweets and chocolates; and the old age
       given brooches and one old man was given cigarettes .•   pensioners 5/- pieces.
       Dancing and games were held in the hall.   Ratling Road and Sheldon Close occupied the
         Cornwallis Avenue airey type houses were also in   Mission hall for tea, with a coronation cake. The under
       St Peter’s church hall for tea. The under 8’s received   2’s. were given a spoon and chocolates, the older
       crown money boxes, and the older children were given   children a coronation cup, saucer, and plate, and the old
       pens. All received coronation tumblers of sweets. The   age pensioners 10/-.                n
       children were taken to London to see the decorations,   Thanks to Keith Owen – see back page

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