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Rats themselves are incredibly clean,
      even more so that cats. This does not
      mean that they don’t carry illness inside
                                  Above: MAKING AN ENTRANCE: a typical rat hole
        A rat’s teeth are constantly growing so   Left: ROLAND RAT: eighties superstar
      to prevent them overgrowing rats must
      constantly gnaw away at things.
        Rats seem to suffer from a form of
      kenophobia, which is a fear of empty or
      wide-open spaces.

        Rats have bad eye sight but a really
      good sense of smell.                  UPCOMING EVENTS
         So, with this in mind, what can we
      do to reduce the risk of rats moving into   RATLING SOCIAL CLUB
      gardens and out buildings in the search            March
      for new homes and sources of food?            Friday 11th Smiler 20:30pm
      Actually, there’s quite a few things you
      can do to help and the first of this is to   Sunday 20th Joe Scott 20:30

      make sure you secure all your rubbish
      properly, particularly food waste and              April
      encourage others to stop littering.        Good Friday 15th Word of Mouth 20:30
                                               Easter Sunday 17th  6 Shades of Gray 16:00
        If you feed birds avoiding doing it      Saturday 23rd Hypnotist Night 20:30
      later in the day when its less likely to    Sunday 24th Andy Lawrence 20:30
      be finished, this too can attract rats.      Friday 29th Andy Mills 20:30
      You can leave food out in open spaces
      where it’s easy for birds to see but a rats        May
      kenophobia will make it unwilling to go       Sunday 1st Red Catz 16:00
      into them.                                      Kevin Iverson 20:00
        Maintaining gardens and property can      Friday 27th Paul Messenger 20:30
      also help as rats like to run from cover to
      cover, so mowing the lawn and disposing            June
      of old fixtures and furnishing limits   Friday 3rd Queens jubilee celebrations from 16:00
      places to hide.                            Saturday 4th 6 Shades of grey 20:30

        If you already have a rat issue then
      doing things that disturb them such a     Non Members Welcome
      clearing around holes and filling them in      CT3 3HL
      can encourage them to move, added to
      this they hate spicy scents so things like   Website:
      cayenne pepper and chilli powder can be
      highly off putting.                                 n

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