Page 22 - AIT.cdr
P. 22


     “We’d like to             SNOWDOWN Colliery site,     The incredible ecological
     thank everyone            located between Dover and   value of a number of aspects of
                               Canterbury just off the A2, has
                                                          the colliery site has influenced
     that attended the         been disused since the closure of   much of the thinking behind the
     Snowdown Park             the mines in 1987.         Snowdown Park development.
     Ltd Engagement             The site is currently held in a   WILDLFE
     Events last year.         long lease between the Plumptre   We want to ensure that the
                               Trust and the Coal Authority.
     Your feedback and               DESTINATION          ideas and solutions proposed
                                                          compliment and fit around the
     impressions were           The Plumptre Trust, the   local wildlife and landscape, this is
     greatly appreciated  Coal Authority and Snowdown     hugely important to us.
                                                           We look forward to getting
     and will be taken         Park Ltd, have been working   started on the project in the near
                               together for the past 7 years to
     into consideration        bring forward a scheme for the   future and working with the
     as the project            redevelopment of the site, to make   local communities to create a
     develops.                 a unique destination that has   unique and eco-friendly, family
                               something for everyone.

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