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P. 21

‘In My Humble Opinion’                                          by parish
                                                                        Jamie Pout
                                                                        writing in
      LOCAL PLAN                                                        a personal
      – delayed yet again

      SO HERE WE ARE. The                   plan outlining how it will increase and improve to claw
                                            back some of these missed homes.
      next draft of Dover District            As the Local Plan is due for adoption in 2023 this is
      Council’s Local Plan, due out         likely to be fairly straight forward and bring about few
      in November 2021, delayed             surprises not already in the local plan. The district has
                                            likely got away with minimal intervention.
      until February 2022, is delayed         More worryingly is the fate of neighbouring
      for a further 2 months.               Canterbury. The city council only met 65% of its target,
        Everything surrounding the Local Plan is   putting it comfortably within the worst performing 51
      “confidential” so it’s unclear exactly what the hold up   local authorities in the country.
      is, but what’s clear is the constant shifting of goal posts   They needed to meet a threshold of 75% to avoid
      makes public consultation almost impossible.   serious penalty. So what does this mean? These
        Without keeping a keen eye on new dates, members   authorities trailing behind targets must now make
      of the public could easily miss the short consultation   “presumption in favour of sustainable developments”
      period and fail to have their voices heard.   in terms of planning applications. Canterbury City
                                            Council have already started the process of making its
        Rumour has it, the North Aylesham development   case for missing its targets: the pandemic (although
      (along B2046 Adisham Rd down to the train line) has   this was already accounted for); water quality issues at
      been removed from the plan: the exact reason again is   Stodmarsh; and horrendous targets in the first place. It’s
      confidential. But don’t hold your breath: the housing   unlikely the government will be willing to budge.
      allocation is likely have to go somewhere.
                                              In practice, any development that can be seen to
        In more recent revelations, the end of 2021 meant   be “sustainable” gets a free pass from the planning
      the government released its Housing Delivery Test   authorities for the next 12 months. This puts areas
      (HDT) numbers. Each local authority across the   such as Adisham Woods and other green spaces at
      country is given a ‘score’ based on how many of its   serious risk of development - and hastily produced
      allocated houses it has managed to build. It would seem   plans at that!
      that the East and South East has not faired well. Many
      authorities in London, Sussex, Essex and Kent have   It means that campaigners and local councillors are
      fallen short of their targets.        less likely to have a say over quality of build, safety,
                                            overdevelopment and road safety as these plans favour  developers before they’re even brought to the table. So
      cff5e76c-baf2-4c4a-9573-14c967680a8a/updated-  houses may soon be popping up all over the boundary
      provisional-fixedthumb2.jpg           between Canterbury and Dover district. Maybe the
        For Dover, we fall into the “action plan” category. The   additional burden on Aylesham is no longer needed?
      district council built 80% of its target: not too far short.   We will wait with bated breath to see what the
        This means the local authority has to produce a   future holds.

       Do you have an idea for a story, or would you like to comment on what you’ve seen in the
       magazine? Write to us via email:

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