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                                             COME and get some fresh
          AYLESHAM ARTS CLUB                 air, let your kids run around
        - Meets fortnightly, Tuesadays at    the only fields we have left
          Bechange- 3.30pm - 5.00pm          in the village.
          No experience necessary, no          Join up for rugby and play for the only mining rugby
                 need to book.               club left in the country.
                                               What ever your ability is, contact player or touch,
         First session £2.00 and an easy     please let’s not let adult sport fade from our community.
              membership scheme.               If you’re moving or moved to Aylesham for its
               Materials included.           history and community spirit and love of sport, then
                                             come along.
           Call 01304 840134 for dates         Let your kids run free in the knowledge that
                                             everyone will make sure they are safe.
                                               We at Snowdown rugby club will be looking into
                                             touch rugby for girls and boys this year, with help from
                                             England RFU and Kent RFU who have shown our club
                                             great support this year.
                                               With our village growing we want people to
                                             volunteer and help expand our club.
                                               If you’re interested in helping our club please email
                                             me and I can forward your details on.
                                               Our aim is to make families welcome and keep
                                             providing a space for our future generations, to carry on
                                             playing sport, and keeping our great village of Aylesham
                                             the best village to live in and bring our children up!
                                               With activities that help them grow, and learn about
                                             what it’s like to work in a community as a team!
                                               Sport brings everyone together making life long
                                             friendship and most of all respect for each other.
                                               COMING UP:
                                             12TH MARCH – AWAY – THANET WANDERERS II
                                             26TH MARCH – AWAY- DOVER II
                                             2ND APRIL – HOME – DEAL AND BETTS II
                                               NEW AND OLD PLAYERS/SUPPORTERS
                                             WELCOME FOR MORE IMFORMATION
                                               FB:snowy ruggers    @snowdowncrfc –
                                               Aylesham Welfare Leisure Centre, CT3 3BE

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